Leanne proves to the world that recovery is possible and beautiful

Posted on 14 August 2016

I started drinking and using drugs when I was 17 years old to cope with social anxiety at school and the stress of moving away from home while my childhood life crumbled and my parents got divorced.

At that time I had never been in trouble, had graduated high school with a 4.0 and was on full scholarship to college, where I was again an honor student seeking a pre-med degree.

By the time I was 36, I had been arrested and detained in jail and mental health facilities approximately 20 times, almost killed myself drinking and driving, actually used a needle to inject crystal meth and ketamine into my veins, overdosed several times, lost all access to my children and destroyed numerous other relationships, family and otherwise. I had very little hope or desire to even continue.

One year ago, after praying to God to show me the way out of my empty condition, I chose a leap of faith into the unknown in hopes of a better life, and a chance at reuniting with my children.

Fearfully, I decided to let the old me go, along with most of the friends I had up to that point, and many of my hobbies. My original goal was to see if I could do this for a year. I have found many things during this year, including my life purpose and Divine mission through a closer connection with God. I also found my strength when my father passed before I had even had 60 days sober.

I've made more friends than I ever have in my life in just a year. I've restored my family relationships and have a court date on 8/29 to try to speak to my kids for the first time in almost 4 years. I'm in the best shape of my adult life and a very healthy vegetarian yogini who practices daily. I'm so grateful to God for this year and the perspective it has afforded me. I'm not even hardly the same person I was, and I love it. I'm happy and enjoying life.

There is so much fun to be had totally sober! I know the future will be beautiful as long as I don't become the person I was again. I pray that never happens, and I have faith God will guide and provide the way forward. I'd like to thank everyone who has loved and supported me through this last year of transition, you are absolutely a huge part of my success today. I'm grateful for my family who have been amazing after what I've put them through, my new Royal family where I finally belong, and all my online friends who have become family as we amplify the Light together. I love and appreciate you all infinitely.

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  • Mary Gramann: September 03, 2016

    Thank you for sharing you experience, strength & hope it helped me reading what you went through prior to getting clean/sober one day at time & where you are in your life now it’s definitely inspiring to hear/read. Keep up the good path you are on in your new found life of discovering who you are mentally, emotionally & spiritually working the 12 steps one day at time. I have been sober for over 20plus years I am know better or worse than anyone working on getting sober & staying sober we all only have this day growing one day at time. Take Care & Take It easy.

  • Connie M Porter : August 16, 2016

    Leanne I’m so proud of you and your strength and your determination to b a clean whole self… Matthew saids hello and believes in you and very happy for you and your hard work and faith in our Good Lord…. Keep going on the straight road and prayer in your daily life…. Again you are a beautiful lady inside out and on the good road of Life… I’m always here and ready to listen… I’m just getting over my 3rd back surgery 3 weeks ago in 2-3 years and from that I know it could be very easy to get addicted to pain meds and very hard to fight the pain without them…Take care of yourself and I know you will be with your children one day trust in the Lord…. Prayers?. Connie P

  • Rebecca Helen: August 15, 2016

    Congratulations! All things are possible if you put God before you. He will guide and protect you. What you are doing takes great strength. Sending you peace, light, love and blessings. ❤️❤️

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